How to use Links
Here's a brief explanation of how users can unlock the link and reach the target page, resulting in payment for you as the publisher.

The user visits the link you have shortened. They are then redirected and must complete 4 steps. There are no viruses, no pop-ups. After the timer expires, the user must click on the advertisement (important: this must be opened in a new tab, using the middle mouse button, or on mobile devices, by pressing and holding on the ad).

That's all there is to it. Once the 4 steps have been successfully completed, the user is redirected to the target page, and you receive your compensation.
If you have any questions, we are always available to assist.

In Short: How to Unlock Links

This video demonstrates how to unlock links. Visitors need to wait a few seconds and then click on the advertisement to proceed to the next step.

It is important that the advertisement is opened in a new tab!

On Desktop

To open the ad in a new tab on a desktop, you can click the advertisement with the middle mouse button, or right-click and select to open in a new tab.

On Mobile Devices

On a mobile device, the process involves pressing and holding the advertisement, sliding it away, or holding it pressed and then choosing to open in a new tab.

These steps are crucial for the user to reach the desired link and for you to get paid as a publisher!

Published on: 3/16/24, 3:01 PM